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Bernardo Garcia is providing funeral home services in Miami, Kendall, Hialeah, Westchester and Florida.

How to help children to deal with grief

Dealing with the death of a loved one is always difficult for people but for children, such a loss can be devastating. Whether the loss is of a grandparent or a parent or a classmate or even a beloved family pet; many children try to deal with the difficult grieving process in their own way. But many parents, caregivers, and educators would be wondering how they can help their kids to cope with the brief especially when they are in the Funeral home Westchester, Fl. You can find many answers to your questions in the following guide which has been assembled with the advice from the psychologists.


It has been observed that children deal with death in many different ways, and not necessarily in the same manner as adults. 


A variety of responses:


The following are the ways through which children most likely respond to death.


  • Anger and irritability
  • Inability to sleep or nightmares
  • Loss or no appetite
  • Unwilling to stay alone
  • Complaining about stomach-aches and headaches
  • Loss of concentration
  • Showing loss of interest in daily activities and events
  • Bed wetting, thumb sucking
  • Playing games about dying
  • Not talking to family members or friends


If your child is reacting in any of the above-mentioned ways to a loss, don't be afraid as these are the normal responses. With time and parental help kids will return to their normal self in no time. 


How to help children heal:


Use simple words to talk about death. To break the news that someone in the family has died, you should approach your child in a caring way. It is always advisable to use simple and direct words so that they can understand the situation. After giving the sad news please give some time to your child to understand your words.


Encourage your children to express their feelings. It is good for kids to express their feelings about the situation. If your child is not able to express his emotions verbally encourage him to express through drawings or writings or any other ways, they are comfortable with. If they want to write something for the deceased person in the Funeral home Westchester, Fl; they should be encouraged for it.


Listen to them carefully. Children can react in many ways to the news that a loved one has died. They may cry or may ask questions to understand the situation in a better way. But please be mindful while giving answers to their questions as their queries and concerns can be very different from the adults. Too much information will be overwhelming for them so, it is better to let them ask questions and then and give your answer in the best possible way you can.


Maintain a normal routine as much as possible. Grief takes time to heal but children feel comfortable and safe if their normal routine is maintained. The experts suggest parents keeping kids busy in their everyday activities is a very good way to help them deal with the situation.


Attending the funeral. Though attending the funeral is a personal decision that depends on you and your child, it can provide closer to the situation. But if your child is not ready for such an intense experience, don't force him to attend the funeral. 


Most importantly please be patient and give your child enough time to heal from the loss. 


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