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Bernardo Garcia is providing funeral home services in Miami, Kendall, Hialeah, Westchester and Florida.

How to Select The Coffins and Caskets for the Final Journey

Coffins and caskets are a common item that finds its place at the time of cremation and burial while bidding a person good-bye for the final time. The coffins, which are used for a funeral, are tapered at both ends, near the head and foot, wide near the shoulders, and have six sides of the box. Cremation Hialeah is made memorable with wonderfully crafted coffins, which need to be chosen carefully.

Nowadays, people like to use sustainable items. That applies to coffins as well. Eco-friendly coffins cause less harm to the environment. Such coffins are mostly used for eco-funerals since they are biodegradable. Let us have a look at the different types of coffins.

  • Traditional coffins:- These coffins are of the British style and they have a classic look and are modest in appearance. Traditional coffins for cremation Hialeah have a flat surface. They can be enhanced with the help of lids, which are raised. These coffins also consist of additional detailing on both sides of the walls of the coffins known as wreaths. Traditional coffins are made of oak veneers, which are laminated on chipboard. They have a lacquer-based finish rather than a solvent-base. When dry, they become completely biodegradable and do not contain any kind of toxins. 
  • Cardboard:- These kinds of coffins are eco-friendly and are modern. Digital prints can be used to decorate these coffins in the design of high quality. Cardboard coffins are made without any fixing and can be folded in any way, which can maintain their structure consistently. There are strap handles of fabric for lifting these coffins as well. Caskets (rectangular-shaped) are also made up of this material.
  • Natural materials:- Coffins made up of natural materials are immensely sustainable. These coffins have a softer look and feel devoid of any kind of ‘hard edges’. There are no fixings made of any other materials placed in the coffins made of natural material. If there are any, then they are made up of the same material as that of the coffin. These coffins do not use any harmful chemical or non-biodegradable material. Hence, they are safe for use.
  • English Willow:- Coffins made from English Willow are also used in cremation and burial purposes. These coffins offer an elegant look, which uses fine and handmade timber from the willow tree. The timber has a gentle appearance with a soft texture. English Willow coffins have great environmental credentials and hence are highly appreciated as alternatives to wooden coffins.
  • Bamboo coffin:- Being the fastest growing plant in the world, this tree has immensely strong shoots that have tensile strength more than that of steel. Hence, bamboo shoots can also be used for making strong coffins.

Apart from these, there are banana coffins, American caskets, European Willow coffins, and many other varieties of coffins, which make the last journey of any human being peaceful and memorable. Coffins these days are made in a way that poses minimal harm to nature. For this, it needs to pass the green credentials.

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